How Assisted Living Facilities Use Care Plans

Using care plans to get the most out of your Assisted Living Facility.

Assisted living facilities across the nation utilize care plans to keep track of resident preferences and needs. Care plans allow them to provide consistent, applicable service to their residents regardless of who is on shift or what time of day it is. Getting a feel for how assisted living facilities use care plans will prepare you to make the most out of your stay.

What is an Assisted Living Facility Care Plan?

Care plans are documents created by the administration and staff of assisted living facilities that detail a resident's specific needs, preferences and services received. Facility staff members rely on care plans for information about how to make each resident feel at home, and how to keep them feeling as well as possible.

From medication management information to quirks and idiosyncrasies, care plans cover a range of details, all designed to provide each resident with the most personalized service possible. Different assisted living facilities include different information in their care plans. Some are basic and others are detailed and specific. Some focus more on physical health and others center on creating an ideal social and emotional environment within the assisted living facility.

How Do Assisted Living Facilities Create Care Plans?

Typically, administrators at assisted living facilities hold a meeting with each new resident and involved family members to discuss her needs and preferences. From items discussed in the meeting (as well as notes from an admitting nurse), they create the care plan as a roadmap to assisted living success! Usually assisted living facilities specify how often care plans are updated. Quarterly review meetings are common after more frequent updates upon entrance.

How Can I Make the Most of My Assisted Living Facility Stay?

The best assisted living facilities encourage you to speak up with ideas for your care and for facility improvement. As in many cases, self awareness and communication will be your allies in getting the most out of your care plan. Be courteous but upfront about your needs, preferences and interests.

If you are a music buff, ask about local choirs who may be interested in practicing or performing at your facility. If you are discouraged by the drab décor in some assisted living facilities, then encourage your administrators to expand on the colorful artwork they have in the library, dining room or lobby.

What you may think is over-the-top may be received as an inspiring idea that changes and uplifts your assisted living facility for years to come. (See our list of residential assisted living amenities for ideas!)

Find the Best Assisted Living Facilities

To find assisted living facilities that will offer you the kind of individualized care you deserve, you can search through our detailed database of communities in your area. Or for more personalized service, call the toll-free number at the top of this page and our elder care advisors will help you find that perfect fit, free of charge! We are here to help you start your journey toward a fulfilling and rewarding retirement today.