A Glimpse Inside Assisted Living Facilities

A detailed look into life on the inside of assisted living facilities.

Are you curious about what life is truly like beyond the parking lot of your local assisted living facility? Once the newness has worn off and the regular day-in, day-out routine of life inside assisted living facilities becomes the norm, will you still like it? When you're about to make the move to assisted living, you need inside information about assisted living facilities so you feel empowered to make a decision you'll feel great about for years to come. That's why we put together this collection of interviews and informative articles. We help you get behind the mystique and jump into the true world of assisted living facilities right here on All Assisted Living Homes.

Daily Life at Assisted Living Facilities

Get an idea of what to look for on the grounds of potential assisted living facilities, and familiarize yourself with typical assisted living daily schedules.

The Ins and Outs of Assisted Living Facility Care Plans

Many assisted living facilities create a personalized care plan for each resident so they can provide the best care possible. Get the inside scoop on care plans directly from assisted living facility care coordinator, Teresa Johnson, and learn how to make the most of your assisted living experience by influencing your care plan.

Regular Appointments in Assisted Living Facilities

Learn about the staple staff members in assisted living facilities across the country. Learn what occupational therapists (OTs) do in assisted living facilities, Find out what to expect in a typical OT session, and get the inside story on OT inside assisted living facilities from veteran OT, Irene Tipton.