Daily Life at Assisted Living Facilities
Get an idea of what to look for on the grounds of potential assisted living facilities, and familiarize yourself with typical assisted living daily schedules.
- Get a feel for what to expect in typical a assisted living facility floor plan: both safety and community characteristics.
- See what happens over the course of a day at assisted living facilities across the country with our sample assisted living daily schedule.
The Ins and Outs of Assisted Living Facility Care Plans
Many assisted living facilities create a personalized care plan for each resident so they can provide the best care possible. Get the inside scoop on care plans directly from assisted living facility care coordinator, Teresa Johnson, and learn how to make the most of your assisted living experience by influencing your care plan.
- Interview: Learn about life inside a small assisted living facility on the Oregon coast in our care coordinator interview.
- Make the most of life inside your assisted living facility: get educated about assisted living care plans.
Regular Appointments in Assisted Living Facilities
Learn about the staple staff members in assisted living facilities across the country. Learn what occupational therapists (OTs) do in assisted living facilities, Find out what to expect in a typical OT session, and get the inside story on OT inside assisted living facilities from veteran OT, Irene Tipton.
- Learn about occupational therapy inside assisted living facilities.
- See what you can expect from the OT program at your assisted living facility in our OT sample visit article.
- Interview: Get the inside scoop on occupational therapy in assisted living facilities from an interview with an OT who's worked in nearly 40 elder care facilities!
Inside Assisted Living
- Insited Assisted Living Main Page
- A Typical Daily Schedule at Assisted Living Facilities
- How Assisted Living Facilities Use Care Plans
- The Layout at Typical Assisted Living Facilities
- Receiving Occupational Therapy in Assisted Living Facilities
- Typical OT Visits in Assisted Living Facilities
- Interview: Occupational Therapy in Assisted Living Facilities
- Interview: Coordinating Care in Assisted Living Facilities
Guide to Assisted Living
Articles About Assisted Living
- Assisted Living Guide Home
- Levels of Senior Care
- Aging in Place
- Assisted Living Licensing
- Home Assisted Living vs. Assisted Living Centers
- Nursing Homes vs. Assisted Living Homes
- Assisted Living Glossary of Terms
- Christian and Catholic Assisted Living
- Residential Assisted Living
- Veterans Assisted Living
- Finding Affordable Senior Housing
- Links to Elder Care Resources